What is the latest data on housing characteristics in Cobb County?

The 2022 5-year American Community Survey provides data on housing in Cobb County. The county has 308,949 housing units, with 291,171 occupied. The vacancy rate for homeowners is 1%, while for rentals it's 4.6%. 66.5% of units are owner-occupied, and 33.5% are renter-occupied. The survey also includes information on home values and rental rates. The ACS is an ongoing demographic survey conducted by...

Can I Qualify as a First-Time Homebuyer Again?

The main criteria for first-time homebuyer status include not owning a principal residence for 3-yr. Other Eligibility Criteria Single parents with past joint ownership Displaced homemakers Previous ownership of detached homes, non-compliant homes, or homes not permanently attached can also count....

Happy Holidays

The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them, and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.Popular modern customs include gift-giving and the display of various holiday decorations.Here's wishing you...

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